First-Year Applicants

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Five students gather at an outdoor table in Scott Courtyard

Here's what you need to know when you apply to Pitzer College as a first-year student! Your application should show how you will benefit from and contribute to Pitzer.

Application Deadlines

ItemEarly Decision IEarly Decision IIRegular Decision
Application DueNovember 15January 6January 6
Interview Deadline (Optional)November 15December 12December 18
Admission NotificationBy December 18By February 15By April 1
Non-Refundable Commitment Deposit DueJanuary 15March 1May 1

Application Checklist

Common ApplicationRequired
$70 App Fee or Fee Waiver RequestRequired
Pitzer Writing Supplement (Common Application)Required
Teacher RecommendationsOne Required
School/College ReportRequired
Mid-Year ReportRequired
Official TranscriptsRequired
English Language Test (e.g. IELTS, TOEFL, DuoLingo)Required for Non-Native English Speakers
SAT or ACT ScoresNot Accepted

Pitzer College has a test-free policy through fall 2025.

Academic Requirements

Engage in rigorous studies through your senior year to prepare for college.

  • Four years of English—especially courses that emphasize writing.
  • At least three years each of:
    • foreign language
    • mathematics
    • social, behavioral, and natural sciences

We strongly recommend honors and advanced placement courses.

Early Decision

If Pitzer College is your first choice, Early Decision (ED) might be right for you. Early Decision is a binding agreement to withdraw other applications if you are admitted to Pitzer. If you apply for ED I or II, you agree not to apply simultaneously to another ED institution. Regular Decision is our traditional application.

Are You Also International?

If your native language is not English, we ask that you show your English language skills. Learn about other requirements and opportunities for international applicants.

Application Details

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Choose from one of three prompts and write a maximum of 650 words:

At Pitzer, five core values distinguish our approach to education: social responsibility, intercultural understanding, interdisciplinary learning, student engagement, and environmental sustainability. As agents of change, our students utilize these values to create solutions to our world’s challenges. Please answer only one of the following prompts:

  • Reflecting on your involvement throughout high school or within the community, how have you engaged with one of Pitzer’s core values?
  • Describe what you are looking for from your college experience and why Pitzer would be a good fit for you.
  • Pitzer is known for our students’ intellectual and creative activism. If you could work on a cause that is meaningful to you through a project, artistic, academic, or otherwise artistic or academic, what would you do?

Pitzer also offers an optional essay (up to 250 words) that you can answer via the Common Application: 

As a mission-driven institution, we value and celebrate the synergy created by our differences and similarities. We welcome you to write about distinctive aspects of your background, identity, or personal interests that you would bring to Pitzer, and how you plan to engage in our community.

Advanced Placement & International Baccalaureate Programs

  • We do not consider AP scores during admission decisions. Please do not submit them in your application.
  • If you are admitted and enrolled, you may submit AP scores for potential credit transfer.
  • AP credits can apply toward the 32-course credit graduation requirement. You cannot use them to meet an educational objective requirement.
  • In general, AP credits do not apply to major requirements. You must consult with the appropriate adviser or field group about exceptions.
  • When credit is awarded, that credit may be rescinded if you take courses that duplicate or significantly overlap the AP courses. Please consult with your adviser.
  • Students may count no more than four AP and IB credits (combined) toward graduation.